
Benefits of Paid Membership:
1. Full unlimited access to all video solutions and tutorials, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
2. Entitles you to use our Request-a-SolutionTM service.*
*To request a solution for a problem we do not currently have in our database, send the question to from the email address registered with your subscription. We will either post the solution on a new video, tell you where to find a similar problem in our existing solutions database, or email you a short answer. In most cases, you will get a response from us on the same day.

Subscription Rates

Membership Price (US$) Purchase
New membership is currently closed
We are in the process of making all our contents available on YouTube for free to all users. Please check back in 2018 to find out how to get a free membership for igetCHEM.

Contacting Membership Services

+When contacting membership services, please send email from the address registered with your paid subscription.
  For membership questions:
  Request-a-SolutionTM service: